The establishment of the processional march in the music of religious tradition in Lima at beginning of the 20th century


  • Marvin Humberto Chacón Salazar Universidad Nacional de Música


History of music, Processional march, Lima, 20th century, Music band


This work explores how the formal and instrumental characteristics of the processional march in the music genre were configured in its process of establishment in the musical tradition of Lima at the beginning of the 20th century. Such establishment is contextualized within the framework of the most popular religious popular tradition in Lima, which is the procession of the Lord of Miracles, in which the band of musicians is a fundamental social component, whose continuity has generated an important repertoire, a musical form its own and a specific instrumental format, peculiar in the history of the band, thus moving from a military conception to a religious and a processional sound conception. A central approach in this study is the recognition of the contributions of the musician José Sabas Libornio Ibarra and the composer Constantino Freyre Arámbulo upon their arrival in Lima, and how their profession began to create works with musical characteristics of specific form and instruments for religious function. In this same sense, the direct contribution of the country’s official bands for establishing this musical expression in Lima’s religious tradition is analyzed.

Author Biography

Marvin Humberto Chacón Salazar, Universidad Nacional de Música

He is a clarinetist musician. He has a bachelor's degree in musical performance from the National University of Music of Peru. He works in different areas of musical practice linked to the band format. He is a member of the symphonic band of the National University of Music, the Peruvian Clarinet Quartet and the musical group Los Auténticos del Callao. He is a researcher of the forms and particularities of instrumentation in bands in traditional contexts. He has been invited to play in groups such as the National Folklore Cast of the Ministry of Culture of Peru, with which he participated in the Bogotá International Book Fair (2014), in the Cervantino International Festival of Guanajuato (Mexico, 2015) and in the Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo (Bogotá, 2018).


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How to Cite

Chacón Salazar, M. H. (2021). The establishment of the processional march in the music of religious tradition in Lima at beginning of the 20th century. Antec: Revista Peruana De Investigación Musical, 5(1), 71–89. Retrieved from


