Musical Iconography: New finds and perspectives on the art of escuela cusqueña of the 17th and 18th centuries


  • Bertrand Wilfredo Valenzuela Rocha Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


Musical iconography, Music chapel, Escuela cusqueña, Datation, Polychorality


Through the study of the musical iconographic sources in the paintings of the so-called escuela cusqueña of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, this research exposes the various correspondences between painting and the royal practices of the musical chapels of the Peruvian viceroyalty, as well as the links of the art of this school with the surrounding reality, though and sensitivity of colonial society, beyond stereotypes and formulas derived from European art. It also demonstrates how the iconography assists to specify certain transcendental aspects, such as finding the date of the works, and highlights the importance and need to develop iconographic-musical studies since they constitute a valuable tool to unveil the history of art.

Author Biography

Bertrand Wilfredo Valenzuela Rocha, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

He has a degree in Composition from the National University of Music (UNM) of Peru and has a master's degree in Art History and Curatorship from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). He has researched about music in the painting of the Cusco school of the 17th and 18th centuries, seen from the field of iconography. He is a professor of Instrumental Conducting at the UNM and of the Music Specialty of the Faculty of Performing Arts of the PUCP. He has been the principal conductor and founding of the PUCP Symphony Orchestra and has directed the UNM Symphony Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra of Peru. His line of research is musical iconography, linked to semiotics and artistic research.


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How to Cite

Valenzuela Rocha, B. W. (2021). Musical Iconography: New finds and perspectives on the art of escuela cusqueña of the 17th and 18th centuries. Antec: Revista Peruana De Investigación Musical, 5(2), 17–38. Retrieved from


