Music and peruanity in the 19th century Lima: Rebagliati, Alzedo and the Peruvian rhapsody


  • Daniel Kudó Tovar Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


Claudio Rebagliati, Bernardo Alzedo, Bernardo Alcedo, Peruvian rhapsody, Music hermeneutics


Claudio Rebagliati was by far the most prominent and influential musician in the 19th century Lima; despite of this, he lagged far behind in the recognition compared to the celebrated José Bernardo Alzedo. Based on the analysis of a musical work that strongly links them, both with each other and with the cultural and political context of their time, a critical approach is offered to the characterization of these characters, and the extent to which Rebagliati was one of the architects of the canonization of Alzedo, as well the political motivations of this process. This leads to a reflection on the elusive nature of Peru and its search, two centuries after the national independence.

Author Biography

Daniel Kudó Tovar, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

He is a musician, composer, music editor and musicologist. He has a bachelor's degree in composition from the National Conservatory of Music of Peru and a master's degree in Musicology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. After ten years as an editor of Peruvian and Latin American music, he ventured into musical research, developing a thesis focused on the cataloging process of the musical archive of the convent of San Francisco de Lima. He is currently pursuing doctoral studies at the University of Osnabrück, Germany, where he researches the application of signal processing and data science techniques to measure similarity in large sets of musical recordings.


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How to Cite

Kudó Tovar, D. (2021). Music and peruanity in the 19th century Lima: Rebagliati, Alzedo and the Peruvian rhapsody. Antec: Revista Peruana De Investigación Musical, 5(1), 43–68. Retrieved from


