Call for papers (2023)

In her already classic book Gender and the Musical Canon, Marcia Citron establishes some elements that contribute to the formation of a canon, such as the notions of creativity, professionalism and reception, and points to the role played by the institutions of power, from the organizations that regulate interpretation and academic centers to critics and the publishing and recording industries, which are decisive in seeing what enters the canon and what remains outside. In Latin America, on the verge of almost a hundred years of orchestral activity, a de facto canon has been built –which is not just a repertoire– of symphonic works: Estancia de Ginastera, Bachianas brasileiras by Villa-Lobos, the symphonic poems of Fabini, La Margariteña by Inocente Carreño, Tres danzas cubanas by García Caturla, La rebambaramba by Amadeo Roldán, the Sinfonía India by Chávez, Sensemayá by Revueltas, Huapango by Moncayo and Danzón n.º 2 by Arturo Márquez, among the most well-known, which have gained the acceptance of conductors and orchestral ensembles and have become emblematic of our Latin American music.

ANTEC, revista de investigación musical of the Universidad Nacional de Música opens its pages to musicologists, researchers, critics, conductors and scholars in general and invites them to write articles about the Latin American Symphonic Canon from various perspectives, to be published in the corresponding number 7(2) to the second half of 2023:

  1. Construction/deconstruction/destruction of the canon
  2. Trends or currents of thought associated with symphonic writing: nationalism, indigenism, folklorism, negritude, neo-nationalism, neo-indigenism
  3. Political and cultural contexts in Latin America
  4. Cultural projects in Latin America
  5. Analysis (formal, functional, structural, hermeneutic, rhetorical, semiotic, dialectical, stylistic, aesthetic, phenomenological, pluralistic, critical) of works considered canonical
  6. Diffusion and reception

Proposals may be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese or English, and will be evaluated following the double-blind system. Once ruled, the authors will be informed about the decisions adopted. These may include:

  1. Acceptance of the text.
  2. Acceptance of the text with comments and mentions.
  3. Not publishable

The submission deadline is August 15, 2023. Proposals must comply with APA standards (seventh edition) and follow the guidelines indicated in the journal's editorial standards for each type of text submitted (, and should be sent to