About the Journal

Scope and editorial policy

Antec: Revista Peruana de Investigación Musical is a space for the circulation of academic research papers in the field of music, created and supported by the Centro de Investigación, Creación Musical y Publicaciones, today Instituto de Investigación (ININ) of the Universidad Nacional de Música de Perú (UNM).

Its mission is to make visible the generation of knowledge in the field of music as a university profession, publishing works by specialists in different areas of musical endeavor such as interpretation, creation, music education and musicology. Antec also provides a place for works from other disciplines such as the social sciences and human sciences, whose thematic emphasis is focused on musical expression as a social practice, art form, formative praxis, aesthetic expression or communicative medium.

Antec's projection is interdisciplinary, the publication criteria welcomes texts whose vision allows us to understand aspects of the musical profession in its interrelation with various fields of knowledge and human behavior. For the publication, the originality of the theme is prioritized as well as its potential contribution to an understanding of musical facts in their respective human contexts; In this vision, an equilateral place is offered to the study of the different forms of musical expression that our societies have adopted to express positive contents. Its scope is towards the academic community in general.


Antec is published digitally and physically with a periodicity of two annual issues.

Evaluation of research articles

The manuscripts will be evaluated in the first instance by the editorial committee of Antec, determining the relevance of its contents with the general guidelines of the magazine or with the specific theme of one of its numbers. If accepted, they will be reviewed by an evaluation committee, established and renewed for each issue, which will corroborate the conceptual and methodological quality of the text; being able to accept, accept with changes or reject the manuscripts. The double-blind system will be applied, that is, the evaluator does not know the name and origin of the author, and the latter receives the observations anonymously. The procedure will be mediated by the editorial committee.

Intellectual property

  • The author grants the publisher the exclusive right to publish, reproduce and distribute his text through Antec: Revista Peruana de Investigación Musical, in its physical and digital versions, for a period of two (02) years from the date of publication. text publication.
  • The texts published in Antec are edited by the Instituto de Investigación of the Universidad Nacional de Música and are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License, so they can be shared and adapted by third parties as long as it is non-commercial. granting the corresponding credit and distributing them under the same characteristics as the originals. More information at: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ 

Open Access policy

With the aim of contributing to the inter-institutional interweaving of networks around music research, Antec is based on the open access policy, that is, it does not charge any fee for access to it, whether in its physical or digital version. In the same way, there are no fees that the author of an article must incur for publishing on Antec.