Heterogeneity and homeostasis in the validity of the muliza Falsía. Different narratives of the song





Muliza Falsía, homeostasis, discursive heterogeneity, validity


During our Peruvian Republic, various composers have enriched the popular musical imaginary by immortalizing songs that have echoed from the past to our present. One of these pieces in question is the unforgettable muliza Falsía by Emilio Alanya Carhuamaca and Pablo Pastor Díaz Reynoso. With the aim of studying the song from the literary discipline, this research follows the line of interdisciplinary studies between literature and music. The main problem that will guide this article will be: What characteristic elements of literary studies intervene within the validity of the muliza Falsía? These elements will be two: the psychodynamic homeostasis of oral tradition literature and the discursive heterogeneity. We will see how these elements explain the updating of new interventions in the lyrics of the song making possible different reinterpretations of the muliza, that is, we will evidence its different narratives. On the one hand, homeostasis will manifest itself through a series of changes and modifications in the lyrics and musical codes that intervene in the song over the years in accordance with the social context. On the other hand, heterogeneity will make visible the presence of three social subjects.


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Author Biography

  • Tatiana Valeria Asto Carbajal, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa

    She is a Bachelor of Literature and Linguistics at the National University of San Agustín de Arequipa – Peru. In 2020, she collaboratively participated in the research volunteering of the project “Popular Festival and Traditional Music: project for the preservation of the ethnographic audiovisual heritage of the Institute of Ethnomusicology – IDE” of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. She has publications in various electronic literary magazines such as the first issue of Poetas Hispanos Magazine and the eighth issue of the Contemporary Children's and Youth Literature Magazine – LIJ Ibero. She also participated in the publication “Premio Letras Arequipeñas” 2022 and was a speaker at the table “Conversatory: Women in the Musical Scene” at the First Ella Festival, organized by The Arequipa Writers Network, as well as at the XI International Musical Literature Colloquium and literary music organized by the Faculty of Humanities of the UAEM.


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How to Cite

Asto Carbajal, T. V. (2022). Heterogeneity and homeostasis in the validity of the muliza Falsía. Different narratives of the song. Antec: Revista Peruana De Investigación Musical, 6(1), 17-46. https://doi.org/10.62230/antec.v6i1.147

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