Spatial links. Production of sound art directed to the public space in a Latin American context




Sound art, Creation, Public spaces, Latin America, Bonding


This paper took as its object of study the sound art works oriented at public spaces in Latin America, with the objective of studying their characteristics and determining whether this type of creative expressions has the ability to preserve and promote transversal identity traits to the Latin American region, a territory of big complexity and sociocultural diversity.
For this, we proposed an analytical instrument that would allowed us to understand these productions from two angles: the link between the work and the space, classified as architectural, social and energetic, and the aesthetic approaches, which we analyze through narratives, resulting from the approach and relationship of a work with a specific site.
As a result, we were able to find creative similarities between works from different latitudes, so it was possible to determine that they maintain a general base on an identity linked to the region. Specifically, we determined that one of the main characteristics, present in the analysis, was the interest assumed by this type of works in highlighting aspects of their contexts based on social elements, either from a political proposal or from awareness about the use of its spaces.


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Author Biographies

  • Irving Duarte González, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores unidad Morelia, UNAM

    He is a sound artist, cultural promoter and has a degree in Music and Artistic Technology from UNAM. His work focuses on the exploration of creative media based on acoustic music, electronic music and the soundscape, as well as experimentation with cinematographic language and video art. Since 2020, he has been teaching as a teaching assistant in the degree in Music and Artistic Technology, specifically in cultural management and research subjects. In turn, since 2021 he has collaborated with the Contemporary Expressions Festival as extension coordinator in Morelia, where he carries out various tasks related to the management and promotion of musical arts. Throughout his career he has received various courses, workshops and diplomas focused on specializing and updating creative and teaching skills, among which the Diploma in Sound Creation with New Technologies from the Mexican Center for Music and Sound Arts stands out ( CMMAS) and the Teaching Update Program of the General Directorate of Academic Personnel Affairs of the UNAM.

  • Jorge Rodrigo Sigal Sefchovich, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores unidad Morelia, UNAM

    He is a composer and cultural manager, as well as a full-time professor at the National School of  Studies, Morelia, of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where he is coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Music and Artistic Technology. He is interested in working with new technologies especially in the field of electroacoustic music. Since 2006 he is the director of the Mexican Center for Music and Sound Arts where he coordinates various creation, education, research and cultural management initiatives related to sound and music. He obtained a doctorate from the City University of London and a postdoctorate from the UNAM, as well as a diploma in cultural management from the UAM-BID and has continued his studies and creative projects with various scholarships and support from institutions such as FONCA (member of the SNCA 2011-18) and the DeVos Foundation for Cultural Management, among others. He is a researcher candidate for the National System of Researchers of Conacyt and for more than 20 years he has been part of the Lumínico project, director of the Visiones Sonoras festival and editor of the magazine Ideas Sónicas.


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Referencias de las imágenes

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How to Cite

Duarte González, I., & Sigal Sefchovich, J. R. (2022). Spatial links. Production of sound art directed to the public space in a Latin American context. Antec: Revista Peruana De Investigación Musical, 6(2), 44-63.

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