Do you not know what it is a canon? Challenges to establish a Peruvian symphonic canon




Peru, Orchestal Music, Musical Canon


In the description of musical canon introduced by Marcia Citron, the presence of certain features and agents is necessary for its formation. In the case of a Peruvian symphonic or orchestral musical canon, these agents and features produce challenges, some of which are not easy to overcome. This paper describes and discusses such challenges, within Citron’s model of musical canon, showing the complications to assume the task. The Peruvian symphonic canon is still in formation, at least from an academic point of view.


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Author Biography

  • Rafael Leonardo Junchaya Rojas, Investigador Independiente

    He studied piano with Yvonne Schiaffino and then composition at the Conservatorio Nacional de Música of Peru with José Sosaya and Enrique Iturriaga, graduating in 2005. He obtained his bachelor's degree from the same institution in 2011. He specialized in Teaching in Composition, and studied orchestral conducting with Miguel Harth -Bedoya and Eduardo García Barrios. He has worked as a composer, arranger and conductor, and produced and hosted programs on Radio Filarmonía (1990–2002). He taught analysis, music history and composition at the “Carlos Valderrama” Regional Conservatory of Trujillo, at the Conservatorio Nacional de Música and at the Universidad San Martín de Porres. In 1992 he taught a course on MIDI instruments in La Serena, Chile. He is a qualified teacher in higher education (vocational teacher) from Haaga-Helia University (2018). In 2019 he obtained a doctorate in Musicology at the University of Helsinki where, in addition, he has taught courses, composition workshops for young people and participated in musicology conferences. His output includes electroacoustic, orchestral, vocal, solo and chamber music. Highlights include the Concierto Silvestre for bass clarinet and orchestra, Varidanzas (Anniversary Award from the Conservatorio Nacional de Música, 2006), Magnificat (Composers Kombat Award, Vermont, 2005), Die Abschiede for viola and piano and Tres danzas episkénicas for saxophone, clarinet and piano . He is a member of the Finnish Society of Composers and the Círculo de Composición Peruano (Circomper). As a researcher, his areas of interest are the teaching of composition and contemporary music, particularly Peruvian.


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How to Cite

Junchaya Rojas, R. L. (2023). Do you not know what it is a canon? Challenges to establish a Peruvian symphonic canon. Antec: Revista Peruana De Investigación Musical, 7(2), 124-138.

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