Phonetic of the National Anthem of Peru translated into Collao Quechua: Treatment in eyective consonants




National Anthem of Peru, ejective consonants, phonetics and diction, vocal technique, Collao Quechua


The National Anthem of Peru translated into Collao Quechua is a musical work regularly performed in protocol events in the country, especially in its South Andean region by professional singers, choirs, and public and private institutions. However, this piece poses difficulties for its pronunciation due to non-Spanish phonemes that are frequently pronounced in a non-accurate way or present technical difficulty at the time of execution among non-Quechua-speakers, which becomes a communicative shortcoming in the performance of this work, even changing the meaning of the recited text. The study at hand addresses the phonetic analysis of the National Anthem of Peru translated into Collao Quechua with an emphasis on the location of phonemes foreign to the Spanish language, paying special attention to ejective phonemes or glottalic ejectives. These are explained in their form of sound mechanical functioning and guidelines have been provided so that they can be executed within the performers’ technical possibilities. Information tools have been used to give context to the work, such as the musical background of the National Anthem, the phonetic studies on the Collao Quechua, and the relationship that these have in the vocal performance. Subsequently, the National Anthem of Peru was analyzed phonetically in the Quechua language in order to locate the ejective consonants, which have been contrasted with three different executions, making a consensus among the allophone phonemes that may exist among these three to produce a more accurate transcription with the sound execution. Lastly, following the analysis carried out and the interview conducted with a performer, and based on previous phonetics and singing research, it is concluded that ejective consonants cause fatigue at a glottal level that could have a negative impact on the singer’s performance at the phonetic and physical phonatory levels when performing. However, as these consonants must be executed with the necessary clarity to be understandable by the listening audience, it is the singer’s responsibility to be able to find a balance according to their phonatory physical abilities.


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Author Biography

  • Pool Kevin Valdez Luna, Universidad Nacional de Música

    He is a lyrical singer, graduated from the Leandro Alviña Miranda Institute of Music in Cusco (2017) and is currently studying his last semesters in the Advanced Section of the National University of Music of Perú (UNM) in the specialty of singing. He is a student of the soprano María Elena Ricra. In 2018 he obtained first place in Peruvian Music categoey in the V National Lyric Singing Contest held in the city of Trujillo. He has worked with the National Choir of Peru in different presentations from 2018 to the present, his last participation being in the chorus of the opera Carmen performed in May 2022. He is currently preparing together with the UNM opera workshop, the premiere of “Alzedo”, a work set to music by maestro Álvaro Zuñiga, with a libretto by Maritza Nuñez, which will be presented at the Municipal Theater of Lima in October of this year.


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How to Cite

Valdez Luna, P. K. (2022). Phonetic of the National Anthem of Peru translated into Collao Quechua: Treatment in eyective consonants. Antec: Revista Peruana De Investigación Musical, 6(1), 71-93.

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