Cathedral music and sounds of the city in Huamanga during the transition from the Viceroyalty to the Republic: 1797 – 1838




Viceroyalty and Republic, Cathedral Music, Ayacucho, Huamanga, Battle of Ayacucho


The diocese of Huamanga, created in 1609, was an important evangelizing territory and, on the border, with the two most important cities of the Peruvian viceroyalty: Cusco and the City of the Kings (current Lima). Consequently, a cathedral church was erected within which a music chapel was established that, like its similar ones in the cathedrals of Arequipa and Lima, lasted during the transition from the viceroyalty to the republic, which had an impact on its musical work and in its organization, during the change of political regime. On the other hand, this territory was the main scene of the victory of the Battle of Ayacucho. Consequently, this leads us to reflect and question what that urban soundscape was like and how the musical styles developed by its most representative musical and vocal body were developed: the music chapel of the Huamanga Cathedral. In that sense, the present work analyzes, studies and addresses the characteristics of the city of Huamanga to reach an approximation of the different urban sounds that emanated from the ecclesiastical institutions and, on the other hand, the data about the music chapel of the Huamanga Cathedral during the years from 1797 to 1838 since there are no music manuscripts dating from this period studied.


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Author Biography

  • Franco Giovanni Ayarza Chávez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

    Percussionist, composer, pianist, educator, and researcher. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Performing Arts with a concentration in Music from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP).

    In the performance field, he has collaborated with various artists and ensembles within the national scene and the Ayacucho region, including the Symphony Orchestra of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, the National Symphony Orchestra of Peru, urban and pop music singer Renata Flores, and the Ayacucho-based rock and blues band Bluestuta. In 2018, he released his first album titled "Aprendizaje," an instrumental music album highlighting the piano and keyboards.

    As an educator, he is currently working as a percussion instructor at the NGO Sinfonía por el Perú, led by the Peruvian tenor Juan Diego Flórez.

    He is presently completing his master’s degree in musicology at the Graduate School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP).


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How to Cite

Ayarza Chávez, F. G. (2024). Cathedral music and sounds of the city in Huamanga during the transition from the Viceroyalty to the Republic: 1797 – 1838. Antec: Revista Peruana De Investigación Musical, 8(1), 142-61.

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