The first generation of students of the National Academy of Music (1908-1919): analysis from a gender perspective




Women’s education, Musical professionalization, Musical education, National Academy of Music


This article intends to carry out an analysis of how gender roles have changed the musical and instrumental preferences of the first students of the National Academy of Music, an institution that paved the way for the professionalization of woman in musical art in a dominance and patriarchal practices context, but also transformations in women’s access to the public sphere. The carrier of those who managed to exercise the musical profession will be revised; likewise, it will be demonstrated how gender roles were reproduced in the educational field, and in a particular way, in a musical institution. The time frame of this research ranges from 1908, the year when the National Academy of Music was created under the protection of an influential Peruvian ruling class attached to the Civil Political Party, until 1919, the year when the mandate of the civilian president José Pardo ended.


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Author Biography

  • Elena Isabel Botton Becerra, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

    She is a historian with undergraduate and graduate studies at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Currently, she is developing her master's thesis titled The National Academy of Music in the civilist educational project (1908-1919). She has presented papers at the XXXV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (2017), at the IX National Congress of History (2020) and at the I National Congress of Bicentennial History (2021). She is a collaborator of the History and Active Citizenship Research Group of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and works as an archivist and paleographer at the General Archive of the Nation of Peru.


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How to Cite

Botton Becerra, E. I. (2021). The first generation of students of the National Academy of Music (1908-1919): analysis from a gender perspective. Antec: Revista Peruana De Investigación Musical, 5(2), 41-63.

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